Jumat, 27 Desember 2013


Berikut merupakan kutipan ilmiah dari MD yang disusun dan digunakan sebagai referensi pribadi.

What are prenatal vitamins?

Eating a healthy diet is always a wise idea -- especially during pregnancy. It's a good idea during pregnancy to take a prenatal vitamin to help cover any nutritional gaps in the mother's diet.
Prenatal vitamins contain many vitamins and minerals. Their folic acid, iron, and calcium are especially important.

Folic Acid, Iron, and Calcium

Folic acid helps prevent neural tube birth defects, which affect the brain and spinal cord.
Neural tube defects develop in the first 28 days after conception, before many women know they are pregnant. Because about half of all pregnancies are unplanned, it's recommended that any woman who could get pregnant  take 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid daily, starting before conception and continuing for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
A woman who has already had a baby with a neural tube defect should talk to her health care provider about whether she might need to take a different dose of folic acid.  Studies have shown that taking a larger dose (up to 4,000 micrograms) at least one month before and during the first trimester may be beneficial for those women, but check with your doctor first.
Foods containing folic acid include green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans, citrus fruits, and many fortified foods. Even so, it's a good idea to take a supplement with the right amount of folic acid, as a backup.
Calcium is also important for a pregnant woman. It can help prevent her from losing her own bone density, as the baby uses calcium for its own bone growth.
Iron helps blood -- in both the mother and baby -- carry oxygen.

What to Look for in Prenatal Vitamins

Look for a prenatal vitamin that includes:   
  • 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid.
  • 400 IU of vitamin D.
  • 200 to 300 milligrams (mg) of calcium.
  • 70 mg of vitamin C.
  • 3 mg of thiamine.
  • 2 mg of riboflavin.
  • 20 mg of niacin.
  • 6 mcg of vitamin B12.
  • 10 mg of vitamin E.
  • 15 mg of zinc.
  • 17 mg of iron.
In some cases, your doctor will give you a prescription for a certain type of prenatal vitamin.

If Your Prenatal Vitamin Makes You Nauseous

Some prenatal vitamins can cause nausea in an already nauseous pregnant woman. If that happens to you, talk to your health care provider. He or she may be able to prescribe a different kind of prenatal vitamin  -- for example, some women may do better with chewable or liquid vitamins rather than those you swallow whole.


Illustration Of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Symptoms

There are often no symptoms of breast cancer, but sometimes women may discover a breast problem on their own. Signs and symptoms to be aware of may include:
  • A painless lump in the breast
  • Changes in breast size or shape
  • Swelling in the armpit
  • Nipple changes or discharge
Breast pain can also be a symptom of cancer, but this is not common.
Skin Showing Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Signs of Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Inflammatory breast cancer is a rare, fast-growing type of cancer that often causes no distinct lump. Instead, breast skin may become thick, red, and may look pitted -- like an orange peel. The area may also feel warm or tender and have small bumps that look like a rash.

Breast Ultrasound and MRI

Besides a mammogram,  your doctor may order additional imaging with breast ultrasound. An ultrasound can help determine the presence of cysts, fluid-filled sacs that are not cancer. An MRI may be recommended along with a mammogram for routine screening in certain women who have a higher risk of breast cancer.

Breast Self-Exams

It was once widely recommended that women check their own breasts once a month. But studies suggest these breast self-exams play a very small role in finding cancer. The current thinking is that it’s more important to know your breasts and be aware of any changes, rather than checking them on a regular schedule. If you want to do breast self-exams, be sure to go over the technique with your doctor.
Mammogram Of Breast

What If You Find a Lump?

First, don't panic. Eighty percent of breast lumps are not cancerous. Lumps often turn out to be harmless cysts or tissue changes related to your menstrual cycle. But you should let your doctor know right away if you find anything unusual in your breast. If it is cancer, the earlier it's found the better. And if it's not, testing can give you peace of mind. 

Hormone-Sensitive Breast Cancer

Some types of breast cancer are fueled by the hormones estrogen or progesterone. A biopsy can reveal whether a tumor has receptors for estrogen (ER-positive) and/or progesterone (PR-positive). About two out of three breast cancers are hormone sensitive. There are several medications that keep the hormones from promoting further cancer growth. 
The image shows a molecular model of an estrogen receptor.
HER2 Positive Breast Cancer

HER2-Positive Breast Cancer

In about 20% of patients, breast cancer cells have too many receptors for a protein called HER2. This type of cancer is known as HER2-positive, and it tends to spread faster than other forms of breast cancer. It's important to determine whether a tumor is HER2-positive, because there are special treatments for this form of cancer.
A HER2-positive breast cancer cell is illustrated here, with abnormal growth signals shown in green.
Illustration Of Breast Cancer Stages

Breast Cancer Stages

Once breast cancer has been diagnosed, the next step is to determine how big the tumor is and how far the cancer has spread. This process is called staging. Doctors use Stages 0-4 to describe whether cancer is localized to the breast, has invaded nearby lymph nodes, or has spread to other organs, such as the lungs. Knowing the stage and type of breast cancer will help your health care team formulate a treatment strategy.

Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer

Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells anywhere in the body. The drugs are often given by IV, but are sometimes taken by mouth or shot. Chemotherapy may be done after surgery to lower the odds of the cancer coming back. In women with advanced breast cancer, chemotherapy can help control the cancer's growth. Side effects may include hair loss, nausea, fatigue, and a higher risk of infection.

Rabu, 25 Desember 2013


Bertanya-tanya apakah Anda harus mendapatkan tes HIV ? Jawabannya adalah : Ya .

" Semua orang perlu diuji untuk HIV setidaknya sekali , " kata Brad Hare, direktur Divisi HIV / AIDS di Rumah Sakit Umum San Francisco . Untungnya , tes HIV lebih mudah , lebih cepat , dan lebih akurat daripada dulu . Dan karena pengobatan HIV lebih efektif hari ini , mendapatkan diuji adalah tidak menakutkan .
Mengapa Anda Perlu Mendapatkan Diuji

Semua orang antara usia 15 dan 65 harus mendapatkan tes HIV , menurut Preventive Services Task Force . Jika Anda belum memiliki tes lagi, di sini adalah dua hal yang harus Anda ketahui :

HIV dapat diobati . Jangan menghindari pengujian karena Anda tidak ingin tahu hasilnya. Hari ini , selama Anda tetap dengan pengobatan , Anda dapat mengharapkan untuk hidup , sehat , umur panjang cukup normal dengan HIV .

Anda mungkin merasa baik-baik saja . Jika Anda terinfeksi , Anda mungkin merasa OK meskipun HIV merusak tubuh Anda . Anda juga menempatkan orang lain pada risiko . Setelah orang dengan HIV memiliki gejala , penyakit ini maju dan jauh lebih sulit untuk mengobati .

Apa yang harus saya Harapkan Dari Tes HIV ?

Anda bisa mendapatkan tes HIV di banyak tempat : kantor dokter Anda , klinik , rumah sakit , dan departemen kesehatan . Mencari secara online . Tes biasanya murah atau gratis . Situs tes HIV yang baik anonim atau rahasia . Anda dapat berbicara dengan seorang konselor sebelum tes dan ketika Anda mendapatkan hasil

Tes HIV sebagian besar tes darah, meskipun beberapa air liur dan tes urine .

Tes antibodi adalah yang paling umum . Mereka memeriksa sel-sel tubuh Anda membuat reaksi terhadap HIV . Tes normal memakan waktu beberapa hari atau minggu untuk mendapatkan hasil .

Tes cepat adalah tes antibodi yang hanya sebagai akurat dan memberikan hasil dalam 20 menit .

Tes antibodi melibatkan penundaan waktu . Setelah terpapar virus , tubuh Anda biasanya membutuhkan waktu 2 sampai 8 minggu untuk mengembangkan antibodi , kadang-kadang 3 bulan atau lebih . Jadi selama jendela itu, Anda benar-benar bisa memiliki dan menyebarkan virus tapi masih menguji negatif . Ini adalah ide yang baik untuk menindaklanjuti dengan tes kedua 3 bulan kemudian .

Jika Anda memiliki hasil positif pada tes antibodi , Anda akan memerlukan tes tindak lanjut yang disebut Western blot untuk mengkonfirmasi. Hasil ini mungkin memakan waktu beberapa hari atau minggu .

The PCR tes dapat mendeteksi virus itu sendiri .

Tes HIV generasi keempat mendeteksi antibodi dan protein khusus pada virus itu sendiri . Tes ini menangkap virus lebih awal dari tes antibodi tetapi tidak secara rutin digunakan belum .

Apa Tentang Tes HIV Rumah ?

Anda dapat membeli beberapa rumah tes antibodi HIV yang berbeda sekarang . Harganya sekitar $ 40 . Dengan uji Rumah Access , Anda menusuk jari Anda dan kemudian mengirim setetes darah off untuk pengujian . Seperti tes antibodi lain, itu lebih dari 99 % akurat . Hasil membutuhkan waktu 1 hingga 7 hari . OraQuick adalah swab mulut yang memberikan hasil dalam 20 menit . Ini sekitar 92 % akurat .

" Jika Anda cemas tentang mendapatkan diuji dalam pengaturan medis , tes rumah adalah pilihan yang baik , " kata John G. Bartlett , MD , mantan direktur Layanan AIDS Johns Hopkins . Anda masih akan ingin menindaklanjuti tes rumah dengan tes di kantor dokter Anda atau klinik .
Seberapa Sering Jika Anda Dapatkan Diuji ?

Setiap orang membutuhkan satu tes HIV , tetapi yang membutuhkan pengujian lebih sering ?

Orang dewasa yang aktif secara seksual dan tidak dalam hubungan monogami sebaiknya dites setahun sekali .
Ibu hamil perlu diuji untuk HIV di awal kehamilan mereka .
Orang-orang yang berada pada peningkatan risiko membutuhkan pengujian setidaknya sekali setahun - dan mungkin 2-4 kali dalam setahun . Periksa dengan dokter Anda . Orang-orang pada peningkatan risiko termasuk laki-laki yang berhubungan seks dengan laki-laki , dan orang-orang yang berhubungan seks tanpa kondom , berbagi jarum , dibayar untuk seks , atau memiliki PMS lainnya .
Jika Anda berpikir Anda baru-baru ini terkena HIV - Anda memiliki seks yang tidak aman , atau kondom pecah - mungkin terlalu cepat untuk tes apapun untuk memiliki hasil yang akurat .

Tapi Anda masih perlu untuk melihat dokter segera . Salah satu perawatan - PEP , atau profilaksis pasca pajanan - dapat membantu mencegah infeksi . Setiap menit - Anda perlu mulai PEP dalam waktu 72 jam untuk itu untuk bekerja .

Sumber : MD

Rabu, 18 Desember 2013


Berikut merupakan kutipan ilmiah kedokteran dari MD yang disusun dan digunakan sebagai referensi pribadi.

Typical, nonsurgical treatment ofgum disease in people with type 2 diabetes will not improve their blood-sugar control, a new study suggests.
There's long been a connection between gum disease and wider health issues, and experts say a prior study had offered some evidence that treatment of gum disease might enhance blood-sugar control in patients with diabetes.
Nearly half of Americans over age 30 are believed to have gum disease, and people with diabetes are at greater risk for the problem, the researchers said. Well-controlled diabetes is associated with less severe gum disease and a lower risk for progression of gum disease, according to background information in the study.
But would an easing of gum disease help control patients' diabetes? To find out, the researchers, led by Steven Engebretson of New York University, tracked outcomes for more than 500 diabetes patients with gum disease who were divided into two groups.
One group's gum disease was treated using scaling, root planing and an oral rinse, followed by further gum disease treatment after three and six months. The other group received no treatment for their gum disease.
Scaling and root planing involves scraping away the tartar from above and below the gum line, and smoothing out rough spots on the tooth's root, where germs can collect, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
After six months, people in the treatment group showed improvement in their gum disease. There was no difference, however, in blood-sugar control between the two groups, according to the findings, which were published in the Dec. 18 issue of theJournal of the American Medical Association.
These findings do not support the use of nonsurgical gum disease treatment to improve blood-sugar control in people with diabetes, the researchers said.
Experts said the finding was in line with what is known on the subject.
"The results don't surprise me," said Dr. Gerald Bernstein, director of the Diabetes Education Program at Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City. "[Gum disease] requires physical intervention to remove offending plaques and microinfection that does not easily clear with brushing and rinsing."
What is really important is how inflammation linked to gum disease is related to wider cardiac inflammation, Bernstein said. That relationship might influence the rate at which artery-hardening plaques are deposited in blood vessels.
Dr. Spyros Mezitis, an endocrinologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said it's well known that gum disease is "associated with worsening of [blood-sugar] control in diabetics."
But the current study suggests that "[gum] treatment improves the common disease and preserves teeth but should not be used to control diabetes," he said.
"Larger studies are needed to confirm these findings," Mezitis added.

Eye Reflecting Chart

Warning Signs of Eye Trouble

Blurry vision, spots, glare at night -- these are common eye complaints that can be harmless annoyances or an early sign of disease. In the slides ahead, we explore several eye problems and offer two quick eye tests. You'll see the world through eyes that have floaters, cataracts, myopia, and glaucoma. Be sure to see an eye doctor promptly for any concerns.

Color Blindness Test Chart

Color Blindness Test

Which number do you see in the far left? If it's "3," you probably have normal color vision. If it's a "5," you may be  colorblind. This view is simulated in the center panel and represents a mild color vision deficiency. About 10% of men are born colorblind, but few women. Complete color blindness (very rare) is simulated at right. No number is visible. Tinted glasses may help the colorblind see better.

Sabtu, 14 Desember 2013


Hero of Tele Tropical Rainforest of Samosir Island at Tapanuli Highland - Indonesia.
Never give up to find support from Indonesian Government at Jakarta. 
He has dream and future to hope Toba Lake still green and clean protect.
To stop deforestation of Tele Tropical Rainforest and environment decrease at Samosir Island. 


Source : Click here


Berikut merupakan kutipan ilmiah medis yang bermanfaat bagi Penulis karena awam terhadap topik tersebut sehingga digunakan sebagai referensi pribadi.

Osteoarthritis: What Is It?

Also called "wear and tear" arthritis or degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis (OA) is the progressive breakdown of the joints' natural shock absorbers. This can cause discomfort when you use the affected joints -- perhaps an ache when you bend at the hips or knees, or sore fingers when you type. Most people over 60 have some degree of OA, but it also affects people in their 20s and 30s.
X-Ray of Human Knee

Osteoarthritis: Symptoms

The symptoms of osteoarthritis tend to develop slowly. You may notice pain or soreness when you move certain joints or when you've been inactive for a prolonged period. The affected joints may also be stiff or creaky. Typically, osteoarthritis leads to morning stiffness that resolves in 30 minutes. When osteoarthritis affects the hands, some people develop bony enlargements in the fingers, which may or may not cause pain.

Pelvis, Neck and Knee X-Rays

Osteoarthritis: Where Does It Hurt?

In most cases, osteoarthritis develops in the weight-bearing joints of the knees, hips, or spine. It's also common in the fingers, thumb, neck, and big toe. Other joints are usually not affected, unless an injury is involved.

Osteoarthritis: What Causes It?

Every joint comes with a natural shock absorber in the form of cartilage. This firm, rubbery material cushions the ends of the bones and reduces friction in healthy joints. As we age, joints become stiffer and cartilage is more vulnerable to wear and tear. At the same time, repetitive use of the joints over the years irritates the cartilage. If it deteriorates enough, bone rubs against bone, causing pain and reducing range of motion.

Osteoarthritis of the Femur

Long-Term Complications

Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis does not affect the body's organs or cause illness. But it can lead to deformities that take a toll on mobility. Severe loss of cartilage in the knee joints can cause the knees to curve out, creating a bow-legged appearance (shown on the left). Bony spurs along the spine (shown on the right) can irritate nerves, leading to pain, numbness, or tingling in some parts of the body.

Long Term OA Complications

Osteoarthritis and Exercise

People with osteoarthritis may avoid exercise out of concern that it will cause pain. But low-impact activities such as swimming, walking, or bicycling can improve mobility and increase strength. Training with light weights can help by strengthening the muscles that surround your joints. For example, strengthening the quadriceps can reduce pain in the knees. Ask your doctor or physical therapist which exercises are best for you.

X-Ray of Hip Replacement

Is Surgery for You?

If osteoarthritis interferes significantly with everyday life and the symptoms don't improve with physical therapy or medication, joint replacement surgery is an option. This procedure is used on those with severe OA and replaces a damaged joint with an artificial one. The knee and hip are the joints that are replaced most often.


Berikut merupakan kutipan ilmiah medis dari MD yang sangat bermanfaat bagi Penulis yang awam terhadap seluk beluk penyakit jantung sehingga digunakan sebagai referensi pribadi.

Diagram Of Atrial Fibrillation

Illustration Of Heart Activity

Illustration Of Blood Clot

Electronic Blood Pressure Monitor

Salmon And Quinoa

What Is Atrial Fibrillation?

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is a condition that disrupts the body's regular heartbeat. A glitch in the heart’s electrical system makes the upper chambers (the atria) quiver. This causes the lower chambers (the ventricles) to beat irregularly. AFib can be dangerous because it raises the risk of stroke and heart failure.

Normal Heart Rhythm vs. AFib

Electrical signals between the atria and ventricles help the heart pump blood in steady rhythm.  In AFib, the atria fire abnormal signals, which make the top chambers quiver rapidly. The result can be irregular contractions that can cause a fast, irregular heart rate (100-175 beats per minute). The normal range is 60-100 beats per minute.

AFib and Stroke

If the heart isn’t pumping like it should, blood can pool and may form a clot. This clot can travel through the bloodstream to the brain, causing a stroke. People with AFib are five times more likely to have a stroke than those without it.

What Causes AFib?

The most common triggers are conditions that strain the heart, including:
  • High blood pressure
  • Coronary artery disease and heart attacks
  • Heart failure
  • Problems with the heart valves
In some cases, AFib may come from thyroid disorders or serious infections like pneumonia.

Preventing AFib

The same healthy habits that protect against heart disease will protect against AFib:
  • Eat a nutritious diet that includes fish.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Control your blood pressure.
  • Avoid smoking.

Jumat, 13 Desember 2013


Berikut merupakan kutipan dari personal media, mohon izin sebelumnya agar informasi yang terkandung di dalamnya di dokumentasi sebagai referensi pribadi.

Sumber : Klik di sini

Sumber : Klik di sini

Sumber : Klik di sini

Sumber : Klik di sini

Sumber : Klik di sini

Sumber : Klik di sini

Kamis, 12 Desember 2013


Tips Bagi Pembeli

  1. Anda harus menjadi member untuk dapat menghubungi pemasang iklan baik melalui email maupun telepon. Tokobagus menjamin sepenuhnya privasi anda.
  2. Mintalah informasi yang jelas mengenai produk atau barang yang dijual, seperti kondisi barang, harga, cara pembayaran dan cara pengiriman barang.
  3. Khusus untuk penjual yang berada diluar kota, sebaiknya anda memverifikasi identitas penjual (KTP dan SIM). Kenapa harus SIM dan KTP? Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menguji bahwa kedua ID itu cocok (bisa juga di cocokkan dengan no rek si penjual). Apabila si penjual adalah perusahaan, kami menyarankan anda untuk meminta konfirmasi data perusahaan terutama SIUP dan NPWP.
  4. Khusus untuk barang second hand yang dijual oleh perorangan, kami menyarankan anda untuk meminta bantuan rekan anda yang berdomisili di kota penjual untuk memverifikkasi barang tersebut cocok seperti apa yang ditawarkan kepada anda.
  5. Anda harus meminta kepada si penjual untuk mendemokan barangnya kepada orang yang anda tunjuk sebagai representasi anda di kota tersebut. Jadi jangan melakukan transaksi apapun sebelum ada konfirmasi dari representasi anda bahwa barang tersebut memang cocok menurut kriteria anda.
  6. Jika si penjual meminta sejumlah uang muka agar di transfer melalui rekening banknya, sebelum mengirim uang mohon terlebih dahulu untuk meminta foto copy KTP, SIM dan No rekening si penjual dan lakukan verifikasi ke tiga dokumen tersebut apakah asli satu dengan yang lainnya.
  7. Apabila semuanya sudah OK, baru anda bisa melakukan transfer uang kepada si penjual melalui bank ternama atau melalui orang yang anda percayai di kota tersebut.
  8. Extra hati-hati, jika iklan si penjual mengandung janji-janji yang terlalu muluk atau berlebihan (jangan mudah terpancing !). Jika ada, mintalah garansi atau bukti pembelian secara tertulis dari penjual.
  9. Jika memungkinkan hindari metode transaksi dengan cara melakukan transfer uang melalui bank dan memilih metode konvensional Ada Barang Ada Uang.
  10. Pastikan anda bertransaksi di lokasi yang aman.

Tips Bagi Penjual

  1. Anda bisa menjadi "Verified Member" untuk informasi lebih lengkap klik disini.
  2. Pastikan iklan barang atau jasa yang anda pasang memberikan informasi yang lengkap sehingga tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman dengan pembeli.
  3. Untuk pembayaran tidak tunai, pastikan uangnya telah cair atau masuk ke rekening anda sebelum anda memberikan barang kepada si pembeli.
  4. Jika memungkinkan peragakan pemakaian barang yang anda jual dan pastikan pembeli telah memeriksa kondisi barang tersebut agar tidak terjadi komplain setelahnya.
  5. Jika anda memberikan garansi, pastikan bahwa pembeli telah mengerti syarat-syaratnya dan ruang lingkup garansi tersebut agar tidak terjadi salah pengertian.
  6. Khusus untuk anda yang menitipkan barang di courier sesuai kesepakatan dengan pembeli, yakinkan bahwa barang yang akan anda titipkan berstatus aman. Masa penitipan barang sebaiknya tidak lebih dari 12 jam kerja pada jasa courier tersebut.
  7. Pastikan anda bertranskasi di lokasi yang aman.